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发表人:HI_CHESS  发表日期:2017-3-28  来自:上海市  浦东  分类:本站新闻


1. 击双 fork

fork is a move that uses one piece to attack two or more of the opponent‘s pieces simultaneously, with the aim to achieve material advantage, since the opponent can counter only one of the threats.

Like pin, also have absolute fork or relative fork.

Attacking king and another piece simultaneously is called absolute fork.

2. 诱捕 decoy

In chess, decoying is the tactic of ensnaring a piece, usually the king or queen, by forcing it to move to a poisoned square with a sacrifice on that square.

For example:

White plays 1.Bxf7 , decoying the Black King, and after 1…Kxf7,  2.Qxd8 white wins the Black Queen.

3. 引离 deflection 

Deflection occurs when a piece is deflected away from defending a piece or important square.

For example:
1.Rg7 Kxg7 2.Qxe7 win

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